US Fed, FOMC Summary(2024-03) : Hold rates

US Fed, FOMC Summary(2024-03) : Hold rates Hold Fed rates. Cuts 3 times this year. Considering easing QT. Q. When will the Fed cut rates? A. It is not appropriate to cut rates until there is more confidence in the 2% inflation target, which should be sometime this year. Q. Will QT (quantitative tightening) remain in place? A. QT will remain at $95 billion per month. However, Dallas Fed President Laurie Logan and New York Fed President John Williams have suggested that the pace of QT tapering should be adjusted. Q. What will happen to the U.S. economy? A. Compared to the outlook last December, the economy should be in good shape. The inflation forecast is now 2.4% to 2.6%, growth is now 1.4% to 2.1%, and the unemployment rate is now 4.1% to 4.0%. US Fed, FOMC Summary(2024-03) : Hold rates FOMC(March-2024), Economic Projections; median % THOTH Investing Opinion: Dovish FOMC statement, Fed considering a possible slowdown? Many investors have been waiting for the US FOMC's decision. Le...